

    Welcome to the Help pages for SIPRI Yearbook Online. These pages will help you find your way around SIPRI Yearbook Online. You can access this guide at any time by clicking the Help link in the top right-hand corner.

    Individual subscribers

    Activate your access token by entering the activation code (the 16-digit number on the card in the front of your print copy) at For assistance with activation please email.

    Username and password

    To log into SIPRI Yearbook Online, type your username and password into the box on the left side of the homepage.

    Saving searches and entries

    If you want to keep a list of saved searches or entries, so you can return to them in your research, you will need to personalize your account. In order to save searches and entries, you will need to register your email address and a password. Click on the Sign up link at the top right of the screen.

    sign in and save

    Save searches

    You will need to sign in to save searches. Click on the Sign in link at the top right of the screen.

    sign in

    After entering your search, click on the Save link at the top of the search results page to save that search.


    Save entries

    You will need to sign in to save entries. Click on the Sign in link at the top right of the screen.

    To save an entry click on the Save link at the top right of the entry page.


    To print an entry, click on the print link at the top right of the entry page.


    To add a link to an entry to a social bookmarking service, select one of the options from the Share button.


    The site features a few ways to search.

    Quick search

    To search SIPRI Yearbook Online, enter search terms in the Search panel at the top right of the screen.

    This Quick Search searches the complete contents of the Yearbook, and prioritizes the more important results.

    Advanced search

    For more search options use the Advanced search form. The form can be accessed from the Advanced search link that appears under the Search panel at the top right of the screen.

    Search within results

    Once you have run a search, you can refine the search by searching within the results. This is useful if you have too many results. Enter search terms in the Search within results panel.

    Search within

    Search results

    On the search results page there are options to:

    1. Select the number of items to view on the page
    2. Resort the search results by relevance, title, and author

    Results are sorted by relevance by default – the best hits will be at the top.

    General rules

    The following rules apply to all of the searches on the site.

    Exact matches

    Use quotation marks to search for a specific phrase, for example: "arms embargo"

    Boolean operators

    Search supports the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.

    Unless you tell it otherwise, Search assumes that you only want results in which ALL of your search terms appear (this is how most search engines, such as Google, behave). This means that there is an implicit 'AND' between all your search terms. So entering:

    nuclear disarmament

    will return the same results as if you had entered:

    nuclear AND disarmament

    You can use the OR operator to tell Search to return results in which either search term exists. For instance, if you enter:

    nuclear OR disarmament

    your results will include any article in which either 'nuclear' or 'disarmament' exist.

    The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. For example,

    nuclear NOT disarmament

    will return all results for 'nuclear' which do not include the term 'disarmament'.


    You can use the * and ? wildcards when searching. The question mark or ? character represents any single character.


    will return results for 'head' and 'heed'.

    The asterisk or * character represents any number of characters. Entering


    will return results for 'head' and 'heed', as well as 'helped', 'heard', 'headquartered', etc.

    Case sensitivity

    Search terms entered in all in lower case will return results in both upper and lower cases. A search for ‘nato’ will return results that match 'NATO’.

    If you use capitals, however, Search will look for the format you entered ‘NATO’ will only return results for 'NATO' not 'nato'.


    Return to the home page by clicking the home item at the top left of the screen to see the complete contents of the Yearbook.

    When you are reading any article, you can see the complete contents of the Yearbook in the left hand pane, including the detailed list of all the sections within the chapter you are reading. Click on the section heads in that left pane to move to the different sections in the chapter.

    Hyperlinks are shown in red. Links to external resources will open a new window in your browser. Links to tables will reveal the table in a special pop-up.