


Below is a list of frequently asked questions about how to access and use SIPRI Yearbook Online - just click on the questions below to read their corresponding answers. if you have a question that is not on this list please contact us.

How do I use SIPRI Yearbook Online?

Accessing SIPRI Yearbook Online

Technical aspects of the content: DOIs, MARC records, OpenURL, and usage statistics

Technical aspects of site access: cookies, IP addresses, PORTICO, and more

Using SIPRI Yearbook Online

How do I use the site? 
For information on how to use the site, view our Take a Tour page.
Can I print text from SIPRI Yearbook Online?
Yes. You can print content from SIPRI Yearbook Online by chapter. To print any page from the site, when viewing a chapter, simply navigate to the toolbar at the top of the chapter and click 'Print'. A preview window will appear with the correctly formatted pages, minus the site navigation components.
How much content can I legally print text from SIPRI Yearbook Online?
You are restricted by Copyright to the amount of information that you can print. To find out more, please visit our Terms page.
What editions of the Yearbook are included?
SIPRI Yearbook Online houses all editions of the Yearbook published from 2010 and onwards. There are currently no older titles than 2010 on the site. 
How soon after a new edition is published will it be available online? 
We aim to get the online version of a new edition published on the site as soon as possible. Currently, this will be no less than a month after the print edition has been published.
How accessible is SIPRI Yearbook Online, and will my screen-reader software work with it? 
The site has full W3C Priority 1 and 2 compliance, as well as most applicable Priority 3 items, and should work with most popular screen-reading software. We are happy to answer any questions on this subject, as well as receive comments on areas that could be improved.
I've spotted an error in the text 
If you notice an error in the text, please contact us and we will endeavour to load the corrected text as soon as possible.
What is your policy on third party data mining?
OUP recognizes the research benefit of Text and Data Mining (TDM) across a variety of research fields. As such, we are happy to accommodate TDM for non-commercial use. If you have any questions please e-mail Data.Mining@oup.com.

Accessing SIPRI Yearbook Online

How do I access SIPRI Yearbook Online
SIPRI Yearbook Online is available for institutional and individual subscriptions, as well as perpetual access to a single edition for institutions. To find out more about these purchase options, and to recommend the product to your institutional librarian, visit the How to Subscribe page.
What services am I entitled to as a customer? 
As a customer, you are entitled to support on accessing the online resource, managing your subscriptions, arranging online tutorials, getting help if you have a problem, and more. Please visit our Subscriber Services page for detailed information.
I have a print validation token from past editions of the yearbook - how do I use it? 
The 2010 to 2013 print editions of the Yearbook have tokens which you can validate here to access the online version of your purchased print book. An activation code is available to every customer who purchases the corresponding print edition of the SIPRI Yearbook (this only applies to editions published from 2010 to 2013). This enables users to register and choose their own password for access to the resource. The code you will receive will be a 16-digit number, and can only be used once, so it cannot be shared among colleagues.
To register, go to www.oup.com/sipriyearbookonline and follow the instructions there (have your activation code to hand – it is printed on a card bound into your print book).
What print editions of the Yearbook have a validation token? 
The print editions of the Yearbooks from 2010 to 2013 have a print validation token. From 2014 and onwards, print editions will no longer have these tokens. 
I subscribe to the product - why can I not access it?  
First of all, please check that you have sent us your licence agreement. Unless you are in a free trial period, we cannot give you access to SIPRI Yearbook Online until we have received and checked your signed license agreement. Please see the following FAQs for other connection issues.
  • It is possible that some of your registration details are incorrect on our database? If the IP address/es for your institution or the user name and password which you use to access SIPRI Yearbook Online are incorrect in our subscriber database you will not be able to access the site. Check with your librarian or account administrator, and ask them to contact us for instructions and support.
  • Are you seeing any error messages when you try to log in to SIPRI Yearbook OnlineError messages appear on the Log in screen. These give some suggestions about why you may not be able to access the site. They may direct you to either your network administrator or to the contact us page.
  • Could your account be on hold? Occasionally an account is put on hold if we have not received your subscription payment, or if your subscription or free trial has expired. In both of these cases we would usually have been in touch with you about this. Do get in contact with us for more information about this.
  • If your institution holds a concurrent user licence, it may be that your browser is not configured to accept cookies. Cookies are required for subscribers to SIPRI Yearbook Online in order to control access to the service. If you see a cookie-related error message when you try to log in to the site, then you need to enable cookies and try again.
For more information, please contact us.

Technical aspects of the content: DOIs, MARC records, OpenURL, and usage statistics

Is SIPRI Yearbook Online OpenURL compliant? 
Yes, SIPRI Yearbook Online is compliant with version 0.1 of the OpenURL specification. 
Does the site use digital object identifiers (DOIs)? 
Yes, SIPRI Yearbook Online uses digital object identifiers (DOIs) for most chapters, with the rest to follow shortly after launch. You'll see them whilst searching for keywords and phrases relevant to you - for example: doi: 10.1093/sipri/9780199581122.005.0001. The DOI is the best way of citing and linking to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon initial electronic publication. The DOI will never change. Therefore, it is an ideal medium for citing a document. The correct format for citing a DOI is: doi:10.1093/sipri/9780199581122.005.0001
When adding links to reading lists, first locate the DOI from the foot of the Table of Contents or chapter page of a book. The International DOI Foundation provides a service at http://dx.doi.org enabling users to create a URL from a DOI simply by adding this site address and the DOI together, as with this example: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sipri/9780199581122.005.0001
For more information on these features please contact Customer Services through Subscriber Services. The DOI scheme is administered by the International DOI Foundation. Many of the world's leading learned publishers have come together to build a DOI-based linking scheme known as CrossRef.
Does SIPRI Yearbook Online provide MARC records for its customers? 
Yes, SIPRI Yearbook Online provides MARC records, which can be downloaded via the Subscriber Services page and are compatible with most MARC-reader softwares.
How are the SIPRI Yearbook Online user statistics defined? 
Oxford University Press provides usage statistics that are compliant with the COUNTER Code of Practice, Release 5. These reports are designed to be clear, flexible, and consistent. For more information and to access reports for your institution, please see our Usage Statistics page for librarians.
Can I see them for my library/institution? 
Yes, usage statistics are available to account administrators, who will have an Administrator's user name and password in order to access these pages. To see your institution's usage statistics, please log in to the site, then visit Subscriber Services, and log in to our Subscriber Services area using your administrator user name and password.

Technical aspects of site access: cookies, IP addresses, PORTICO, and more

What is your policy on cookies? 
Cookies are required for customers to SIPRI Yearbook Online in order to control access to the service. The default policy will be to use cookies for authentication. However, customers who have unlimited access licences for SIPRI Yearbook Online may choose to disable cookies and will still be able to use the service, but note that usage statistics related to user sessions will not be available.
Questions about Proxy Servers
  • Will our proxy server IP address(es) be enough to allow access to SIPRI Yearbook Online? Yes. However, if you are accessing SIPRI Yearbook Online through a proxy server then you need to give us the IP address of the proxy server in order for you to access the site.
  • I've registered my proxy server IP address(es), but I can't access the site. If you are shown as not logged in when you access http://www.sipriyearbook.org/ and have no access to full-text content then the IP address of your proxy server is not being recognised by the SIPRI Yearbook Online site. If this is the case, please contact us, giving us details of the problem.
  • After previously successful IP-authenticated access via a proxy server, why am I now being requested to sign in with a user name and password? If there is no obvious technical solution to the problem, please contact your Internet service provider (ISP) to check whether they have changed their configuration in a way that might hinder your IP-authenticated access to the site.
  • I wish to enable off-campus access via a proxy server. Off-campus access is typically provided via a Remote Access Server (RAS). Ask your librarian or administrator whether there is a proxy server available for this purpose. If there is, enter its IP address into the Proxies section of your browser's preferences, generally located in the Proxy or Connection menu tabs. You will need a server at your end that is specific to one of the IP addresses you supplied to SIPRI Yearbook Online.
Questions relating to IP addresses 
  • I've tried to set up IP-authenticated access to SIPRI Yearbook Online without success. If, for some reason, you are unable to access SIPRI Yearbook Online by IP address authentication, referring URL access may be possible. Please contact us to enquire about further possibilities for your institution.
  • How do I register a large number of IP addresses? How do I change my institution's IP addresses? For both of these questions, contact the office appropriate to your region with the list of IP addresses. For North and South America: oxfordonline@oup.com. For the rest of the world: onlinesubscriptions@oup.com.

Questions relating to passwords

  • I've forgotten my site administrator password. Please contact us and specify whether you would like to be reminded of your password, or whether you would like to change it (along with details of what you'd like to change it to) and we will reply as soon as possible.
  • Can I distribute my site administrator user name and password to allow access for colleagues? No, this is a restricted ID which should be kept in a safe place for use only by the librarian or site administrator. As access to SIPRI Yearbook Online for institutions is IP authenticated, your colleagues will be able to access the service without a user name and password. If any of your colleagues requires a user name and password for off-site access to the site, please contact us.
  • I have forgotten my user name and password to access the site. Only account administrators can reset passwords. Please see your librarian or administrator for help.
Do you offer library card access to SIPRI Yearbook Online
Yes, to access using your library card, use the login on the Home Page.
Is SIPRI Yearbook Online archived in PORTICO
All content is archived in Portico.
Which browsers will display the site correctly? 
The site is designed to display and function correctly on the following browsers or later:
  • Firefox 8 and 9
  • Safari 5
  • Google Chrome 17 and 18
  • IE8 and IE9
We recommend that you set your screen resolution to 1024x768 pixels for the optimum display and use of the online resource. However, 800x600 pixel resolution should be acceptable for most pages (with occasional horizontal scrolling).