
SIPRI Yearbook 2014

SIPRI Yearbook 2014

III. Biological weapon arms control and disarmament

8. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials
SIPRI Yearbook 2014
John Hart, Peter Clevestig

The principal activity in 2013 in the field of biological arms control was work carried out in connection with the meeting of experts (12–16 August) and the meeting of parties (9–13 December) to the Third Intersessional Process of the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC).1 The three standing agenda items for the meetings are (a) cooperation and assistance, (b) science and technology review, and (c) strengthening national implementation.2 The biennial topic for 2013 was consideration of how to enable fuller participation in the regime's legally non-binding confidence-building measures (CBMs). Several parties tabled papers at both meetings under the rubric ‘We need to talk about compliance’.3 This prompted discussion and consultation on the meaning of ‘compliance’ in the BTWC context (e.g. procedurally, structurally and in terms of specific convention compliance concerns). As in previous years, the intersessional meetings largely consisted of an exchange of views and background material with the support of a three-person Implementation Support Unit (ISU). In addition, the parties can, at present, only take legally binding decisions at quinquennial review conferences—the next one being scheduled for 2016.4

Citation (MLA):
Hart, John, and Peter Clevestig. "8. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials." SIPRI Yearbook. SIPRI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. Web. 16 Feb. 2025. <>.
Citation (APA):
Hart, J., & Clevestig, P. (2016). 8. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials. In SIPRI, SIPRI Yearbook 2014: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 16 Feb. 2025, from
Citation (Chicago):
Hart, John, and Peter Clevestig. "8. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials." In SIPRI Yearbook 2014: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, SIPRI. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). Retrieved 16 Feb. 2025, from
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