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SIPRI Yearbook 2016

SIPRI Yearbook 2016

V. The role of industry in dual-use and arms trade control

19. Dual-use and arms trade controls
SIPRI Yearbook 2016
Sibylle Bauer, Mark Bromley

Governments around the world increasingly recognize that partnership with industry is a prerequisite for preventing—or at least increasing barriers to—the proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and their delivery systems, as well as illegal shipments of conventional arms. In recent years, two sets of factors have also shifted the nature of the relationship between governments and the private sector in the field of dual-use arms export controls.

Citation (MLA):
Bauer, Sibylle, and Mark Bromley. "19. Dual-use and arms trade controls." SIPRI Yearbook. SIPRI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. Web. 14 Sep. 2024. <https://www.sipriyearbook.org/view/9780198787280/sipri-9780198787280-chapter-019-div1-123.xml>.
Citation (APA):
Bauer, S., & Bromley, M. (2016). 19. Dual-use and arms trade controls. In SIPRI, SIPRI Yearbook 2016: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 14 Sep. 2024, from https://www.sipriyearbook.org/view/9780198787280/sipri-9780198787280-chapter-019-div1-123.xml
Citation (Chicago):
Bauer, Sibylle, and Mark Bromley. "19. Dual-use and arms trade controls." In SIPRI Yearbook 2016: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, SIPRI. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). Retrieved 14 Sep. 2024, from https://www.sipriyearbook.org/view/9780198787280/sipri-9780198787280-chapter-019-div1-123.xml
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